14 November 2010

Chopping up and falling down...

Busy weekend.

Saturday was chainsawing all day in the rain at Stella and Alan's place Wildhaven, with 15 other bods.  We were cutting up and burning heaps of burnt trees.  Totally knackered at the end of that day.

Sunday was a freebie jump at Nagambie, courtesy the Bushfire Recovery mob (except I had to pay for the filming).  Only a tandem jump, but good fun. 50 secs freefall from 14,000 feet.  It all came back to me. Linked up with another jumper and did a few hoops and loops.

05 November 2010

Blue Tongue lizard

This is Garfield telling me to chill and back off -
it's only a blue tongue lizard
and it isn't going to hurt me.
The hissing is the lizard, not Garfield.

02 November 2010

After the flood...

And then I had to chainsaw my way through this lot
to get home...


Along the creek

Brave little paws...
Oh the indignity.

Under the bridge...

And a 35m pine that needs to go...