05 December 2010

District exercise

Our first district exercise since moving from District 13 to 14.  About 30 trucks plus quickfills, ultralights, SES, cops, helicopters, medicos, salvos, etc.  29 degrees and sunny but pretty easy exercise.

One chopper dropped 1.2 tonnes of water right next to us...

... and refilled again - 1.2 tonnes in 30 seconds ...

14 November 2010

Chopping up and falling down...

Busy weekend.

Saturday was chainsawing all day in the rain at Stella and Alan's place Wildhaven, with 15 other bods.  We were cutting up and burning heaps of burnt trees.  Totally knackered at the end of that day.

Sunday was a freebie jump at Nagambie, courtesy the Bushfire Recovery mob (except I had to pay for the filming).  Only a tandem jump, but good fun. 50 secs freefall from 14,000 feet.  It all came back to me. Linked up with another jumper and did a few hoops and loops.

05 November 2010

Blue Tongue lizard

This is Garfield telling me to chill and back off -
it's only a blue tongue lizard
and it isn't going to hurt me.
The hissing is the lizard, not Garfield.

02 November 2010

After the flood...

And then I had to chainsaw my way through this lot
to get home...


Along the creek

Brave little paws...
Oh the indignity.

Under the bridge...

And a 35m pine that needs to go...

07 October 2010

The city

I spent the day visiting several organisations, looking at 'service' from different angles.
First was Skydeck, then Australian Unity, then Crown Casino for lunch (pheasant) and finishing up at Foxtel looking at the Next Big Thing (Connect).

All up, an interesting day.

I thought, how is a visit to Skydeck teaching me about service?  Never mind, had fun, great view.
Later, I realised it is all about the EXPERIENCE.  Was it good? Seamless? Would I go back? Recommend it?
Ditto lunch at Crown.

So the lessons for the day:

Great for a commercial organisation with members or subscribers they don't want to lose. How do we apply it? How do we even measure it?  Thinking thinking.

Foxtel's messy current bill -v- the new (draft) version
So why do our letters have to be, um, letters? Why not break up the page into the messages we want to get across.  The BIG MESSAGE gets the big orange block. For the details, see the grey box on page 2.

Got a message for staff? Teach the supervisor and get the spvr to deliver it. Then you know the spvrs get it and can deliver it.  An old old message. Goes back to old research showing that whatever your boss delivers to you, sinks in best.  The army gets it bigtime. You get one hook, and you start training others, and getting train-the-trainer stuff.  So why is the army in the vanguard?  They're not - they're ancient, and that's how it always was. The only one to teach stuff was the leader, and he actually knew it better than anyone else.  So, back to the future.

Does our customer / client / subscriber / member / visitor enjoy the visit, real or virtual, to us?
Do they feel supported? Sought after? Welcome back next time?

Thinking outside the box for a moment, how can we create a situation where we have to work to SAVE THE CUSTOMER? By giving her the option to get lost, to choose another provider...
So the off-the-cuff model becomes-
-employer pays premium to our outsourced premium collector,
-worker lodges claim on agent of her choice
-worker has option (1 pa) to move to another agent.

Enjoy the view.

11 September 2010


No turnouts for weeks, then a shed fire at 3 a.m. for 5 hours.  Ammunition, asbestos, oxy acetylene tanks, a car, all going up.  Dig the lighting gear from North Warrandyte -

Then yesterday a power line down near a school at going-home-time. We moved like rockets to get there, then just stayed well back, kept everybody away, and got the power guys. They did their thing:
...and we all went home.



04 September 2010

Cleaning the dog...

I was vacuuming, and thought to myself - time to brush the dog.

29 August 2010

MY bone

I think this is the biggest bone he has ever seen. And he DIDN'T want to share it with me.

27 August 2010